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Prefer plant-based foods

  • Eat Beans Instead of Beef—Even Just Once a Week. For example Meatless Monday, this will have a huge difference on your personal environmental impact.

  • If every American swapped in beans for conventionally raised meat once a week for a year, it would keep 75.3 million metric tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere.

  • Research shows producing just one quarter-pound burger uses up enough energy to power an iPhone for six months and enough water to fill ten bathtubs

  • Compost Food Waste

  • Chucking perfectly good food doesn't just waste money, it also increases your carbon footprint.

  • Composting is a much better option, and its easy

  •  BYO Water Bottle


  • If everyone gave up just half the number of bottles we currently plow through, it would save 9,504,000 metric tons of CO2 a year, according to University of Michigan researchers. So it is actually better that we use reusable bottles. An example for this is the BYO Water Bottle.



  • Eat Organic (and Seasonal) Food When Possible

  • Organically grown crops like wheat and veggies have lower carbon footprints than their conventional counterparts—largely because they require fewer resources, such as fertilizers.

  • If everyone ate 2½ cups of organic veggies a day instead of conventional ones, we'd reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3.3 million metric tons a year.

  • Consuming produce when it's readily available saves energy from production and transportation costs because it didn't have to be shipped from a faraway farm or country to taste fresh and delicious.

  • In-season food is also more cost effective, partly because transportation costs are lower

  • Garden Your Yard

  • Growing your own fruits and veggies can be two-fold on the environmental benefits—it can provide you with hyper-local, organic produce as well as boost the fresh air quality and nutrient content of the soil for all your other plants.

  • Just don't forget to save your food scraps, as they can not only be used to make delicious meals later, they nourish your garden and even help you grow new fruits, herbs and veggies.

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